Take a seat and prepare to learn our tried and proven tips and tricks to pass the CPACE Exam from our expert instructors who are real-life school administrators.

Why Evo Prep?

  • Engaging lessons catered to your learning style. 
  • Complete practice exams aligned to the actual CPACE and vetted by hundreds who have passed
  • In depth instruction on not just the content, but the strategy behind passing the CPACE 

Evo Prep's Recipe for CPACE Success

Complete and Current Resources
Our multiple choice questions are fully aligned in both content and rigor to the actual CPACE and you won't find a full-length practice exam even on the CTC's website! We offer the only complete practice modules with model responses and real teaching videos. 

Comprehensive Instruction

Get complete instruction on both the Content and Performance sections of the CPACE. You'll get access to simulated multiple choice and writing practice with real data and scenarios found on the actual CPACE.

Private Evo Prep Community

Connect with others who have passed the CPACE or are working to pass along with you. Form study groups, ask questions, get access to exclusive outlines and notes from Evo Preppers!

Instruction Done Your Way

We offer both Live and Online courses catered to your preferred learning style. 

Our Live Webinars and In-Person classes provide realtime feedback and interaction with our instructors, while our Online courses provide on-demand access to pre-recorded, engaging video lessons that simulate the live classroom experience. Which is better? You choose! 

Model Responses and Rubrics

Each of our Focused Constructed Response Assignments comes with model responses. Compare and see how your written responses line up to the graders' and rubric's standards.

All multiple choice practice includes rationale for correct and incorrect answer choices. 

Access to Our Private Community

Our Private Community is one of our most valued assets! Reach out to nearly a thousand members who have passed or are working to pass the CPACE just like you! 

Evo Preppers post exclusive content, sample outlines, and detailed notes accessible to members only. You can form study groups, network, and get answers to anything related to the CPACE.

Ready to Conquer the CPACE?

Choose the best study option for you

Premium Access

Access to our Complete Self-Paced Course AND both Add-Ons, which include additional practice exams for Content and Performance modules.

Our most comprehensive and popular option.

  • Everything from the Standard Access (Comprehensive online course on both Content and Performance sections) PLUS both Add-Ons:
         -Content Add-On exam
         -Performance Add-On exams
  • Exclusive access to private online community
  • Access until the end of the current CPACE administration window

Standard Access

Access to our Complete Self-Paced Course, which includes one (1) full length practice exam.

  • Unlimited, on-demand access to our online course that covers both Content and Performance sections
  • Learn on your own time with comprehensive lessons, quizzes, and written practice
  • Exclusive access to private online community
  • Access until the end of the current CPACE administration window


Access to our additional practice exams for the Content and Performance modules. (Only recommended for those who have taken our Self-Paced Course). 

Content Add-On

  • 50 Multiple Choice questions consistent with the real CPACE in both content and rigor
  • 3 Focused Constructed Response Assignment prompts 
  • MC answer key with rationales
  • Complete model responses
  • Unlimited access until end of the current CPACE window

Performance Add-On

  • 2 additional full-length Performance Assessment Practice Exams (8 hours of independent practice)
  • Real teaching videos and artifacts for additional practice
  • 4 hours of walkthrough video instruction
  • Complete model responses with explanations
  • Unlimited access until end of the current CPACE window



Performance Add-On

100% Retake Guarantee

Our goal is to help you pass the CPACE on your first try, and we're determined to help you get there. But, if for whatever reason you don't pass on your first try, we have your back.

Simply let us know, and we'll let you retake the same course one time free of charge.

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Questions? Let us know how we can help!

Sign up for our next free Info Session Webinar.

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Evo Prep, LLC

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